Highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza (bird flu) still present among wild birds.

Overview of test results of submissions via DWHC and Sovon between October and December 2020

In the past months a lot of dead wild birds have been reported to the websites of DWHC and Sovon. Figure 1 shows per month and ‘species’ the number of birds with highly pathogenic strains of avian influenza (test result mainly H5N8, but also H5N1, or H5Nx), or if the strain was very likely to be a highly pathogenic strain (test result mainly H5N8, but also H5Nx).

The numbers are incomplete, as these only show the testresults of birds reported to  DWHC and Sovon. There are several ways wild birds are reported and tested, e.g., via the NVWA. Additionally, the results of four birds are not yet known. The figures of October and November 2020 shows that about half of the submitted ducks, geese, swans, birds of prey, and owls that came via DWHC and Sovon tested positive. In December the number of wild birds testing positive declined, but the disease was still present.

In January 2021 the highly pathogen strain of avian influenza is still present among wild birds. Thus, we ask the public to keep reporting dead birds. Although we are not able to test each bird, the reports help us to keep monitoring. For more information, visit the map with ‘meldingen dode wilde vogels’ on the website of NVWA.

Soon more information about the tested bird species will follow.

Figure 1 (in dutch): numer of tested dead wild birds (DWHC and Sovon reports), during  the fourth quarter of 2020

Eenden, ganzen zwanen = Ducks, geese, swans
andere watervogels = other waterfowl
roofvogels en uilen = birds of prey and owls
andere landvogels = other birds

Green = AI test result negative
Dark blue = HP Avian influenza
Light blue = LP avian influenza